Match This! New Japan Pro-Wrestling 1999
Shinya (Togi) Makabe vs. Hiroshi Tanahasi – Fall in Black, November 1st, 1999
With so much new wrestling airing every week, I don’t dig through the NJPW World archives as much as I’d like to. For years, all I saw of the company werr taped matches purchased at indy shows, or poorly transferred videos on YouTube. Not unlike American fans in the territorial era, a lot of Japanese stars were familiar only through brief Nitro matches, magazine articles or word of mouth. Some of the greatest of all time have competed in New Japan, and with the service, some of those matches are only a few clicks (and a few yen) away. Though I knew a few of the top names in 1999, I certainly had no idea what was going on with the Young Lions. If I had, I would have been treated to two of the biggest stars in the history of the company.
For those who don’t know, New Japan refers to their developmental trainees as Young Lions. During this time, they are rarely allowed any flashy attire or gimmicks, regardless of how the crowd is responding to them. They are considered students.They help set up the shows and take care of their dojo. Don’t believe me? Seek out some of the current Young Lions’ Instagrams, they’ll readily recount their toilet cleaning duties. Not unlike WWE’s NXT, the system has proven quite fruitful and many of the top talents in Japan started as Young Lions. This one is especially interesting, as both Makabe and Tanahashi are quite flashy and over-the-top in their current personas. Stripped of any gimmicks, the pair present a fairly scientific wrestling match. Though I thought it would be more bizarre to see Tanahashi, the lauded, air-guitar strumming “Ace” of the promotion, it actually was far more interesting to see Makabe. Without all of his GBH attitude and regalia, Makabe’s pure athleticism shines. The pair are able to tell a solid, if short, story without a larger narrative. I can’t help but think this is why the system has proven so successful. Before these performers were given the opportunity to develop something larger than life, they had to prove that could tell the story without the persona.
This match is most easily accessed on If you haven’t looked into a subscription, I recommend it. Their accessibility for English speaking fans grows by the minute.