Flip Gordon vs. “Hangman” Adam Page – Ring of Honor Television #324, December 4th, 2017

Though some would have you to believe otherwise, NXT does not contain every young star in the business. In this week’s Match This!, I was compelled to highlight Flip Gordon and “Hangman” Page, two of ROH’s fastest rising competitors. While the promotion has been long known for developing some of the finest stars in the business, this match has a lot of other factors going for it. Page is an increasingly featured member of the white-hot Bullet Club, an ROH Six-Man Tag Team champion along with the Young Bucks and both he and Gordon appear regularly on the Being The Elite webshow. While I’m fairly certain that Bucks and their crew have a lot of input on their ROH storylines, the television team has done a wonderful job integrating the events on BTE into ROH’s weekly episodes. Maintaining this connection to New Japan and every other promotion that the Bullet Club pops ups in is one of their true strengths and something they can hold above WWE programming. Here, we see a match basically driven by The Elite’s hazing of the recently signed Gordon. Flip Gordon is an impressive athlete and his ring work reminds me of a young Teddy Hart.

Okay, he also looks a lot like Teddy Hart, but that’s not really important.

I just saw Teddy Hart wrestle a lot so I think about it every time.

Okay, I’ll stop.

In recent weeks, Gordon has been creating an army of his own to challenge The Hung Bucks Six-Man title reign. Here, he finally finds himself in a fair fight against one of them. This match is a wonderful example of both men’s ability. In short, it isn’t just the man named “Flip” who could hold that moniker. Being around some of the best in the business has helped both wrestlers grow leaps and bounds in recent months. Though I favor Page a bit as a package (haha, dick jokes), the amount of advancement I’ve seen from Gordon in this last year rivals any rookie past or present. Flip came in looking like a one-trick pony and now could be a true contender for singles gold. He’s also been working as a traditional face against the crowd-favored Bullet Club and has managed to garner positive reactions. That tells you something big about his ring presence. In a year or so, I wouldn’t be shocked to see either man with the ROH World Title around their waste. For Page, if he sticks around, I’d almost guarantee it.

If you’d like to check out this match, ROH TV does air nationally and it can also be accessed through the Fite TV app or Fite.TV