The Cinematic Joker – Dissecting Fiction Podcast Episode 8
Christiaan and Vinny discuss The Joker, his impact on cinema and its impact on the character!
The Paranormal and The Ultimate Halloween Movie!
Monsters! – A Dissecting Fiction Podcast Halloween Special
Slashers! – A Dissecting Fiction Halloween Special
Christiaan and Vinny talk about their favorite films from the controversial slasher sub-genre!
Hickman’s Dawn of X – Dissecting Fiction Podcast Extra
In this companion to Episode 6, “The Marvelous Work of Jonathan Hickman”, Vinny and Christiaan discuss the implications of House of X/ Powers of X and the coming X-Men relaunches.
Zombies! – A Dissecting Fiction Podcast Halloween Special
Christiaan and Vinny discuss their favorite Zombies in the first of the 2019 Dissecting Fiction Halloween Specials!
Bandersnatch, Choice and the Future of Netflix
Christiaan theorizes a bit about Black Mirror‘s latest tale, Bandersnatch.
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power- DF TV Picks
Dreamworks continues to grow its Netflix partnership by launching the vibrant She-Ra and the Princesses of Power.
Castlevania – DF TV Picks
Are you a fan of horror? Then you should absolutely watch one of Netflix’s newest horror shows, Castlevania!