Captain America’s Endgame
Avengers: Endgame is a film about the present of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but its strongest points can be found in its adoration for the journey there.
Avengers: Endgame is a film about the present of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but its strongest points can be found in its adoration for the journey there.
Vinny shares some thoughts on Avengers: Endgame, and the state of superhero films on the whole. Read More
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I remember the Summer of 2008 very well. I had just graduated from college in May and I was treated to Iron Man, the first of the newly minted Marvel Studios films. It was followed in June by The Incredible Hulk, a film I liked as much, if not a little bit more. The Hulk was, of course, the biggest name Marvel Studios still retained, with Spider-Man and The X-Men off at other companies, making plenty of money. July soon rolled around and The Dark Knight was released. I saw it five times in theaters.
I remember thinking “Man, it’s a shame Iron Man and The Incredible Hulk had such stiff competition, I bet they would have been bigger.”
I guess, in my ignorance, I was right.
Back in 2011, I wrote a piece for Sequart about the nature of continuity and the many techniques that Marvel and DC had used to remedy the problems that come with it. While it isn’t the most complex essay I’ve ever written, I couldn’t help but return to it as DC’s Rebirth books have dominated the comics’ scene for the last year or so. Actually, in the piece I assumed that DC was about to embark on an initiative more similar to Rebirth than that of the actual New 52. We cover more about the confusion surrounding the intent of that initiative in the second episode of Season Two, which you can watch here on the site. At the end of the Sequart piece, I came to the conclusion that continuity was an endorsement of the fan base, a way of telling the reader that their interest was appreciated and that their time had not been wasted. As time has passed, my belief in this has only grown.