Titans #17 (DC Comics)
Runners Up: The Flash #34 (DC Comics), Action Comics #991 (DC Comics)


Over the last few issues, Dan Abnett’s Titans has really been finding its footing

As I mentioned in a recent Superman piece, Wally West is emblematic of DC’s Rebirth Initiative. A character cast aside in the name of progress,but ultimately returning to help re-establish some of the elements that the fans had yearned for. In early issues of Titans, it seemed that the team was treading water while they should have been front and center as more Rebirth revelations unfurled. While they still aren’t at the center of attention in the DCU, more recent issues have not only explored the adjusted history of the DCU, but have highlighted Wally’s connection to the other Flashes (yeah, that’s the right way to say that) and the Speed Force. Outside of Abnett’s well crafted mystery, there’s also some nice work from Minkyu Yung and Mick Gray here. While not really promoted as a major turning point in Rebirth, by issue’s end it looks and feels as if it is. There are even a couple of splash pages that will get longtime Titans fans pretty excited. You’ll also find what I assume to be early ties to the upcoming Flash War, as the younger Wally West guest stars. Speaking of the other flashes, Barry shines in this week’s issue of The Flash, penned by Joshua Williamson and Michael Moreci. Williamson has created a rather impressive run since the early Rebirth issues, and in this one he brings one of his earlier creations back into play. Pop Mhan provides some kinetic art for the tale. With the Negative Flash storyline seemingly coming to a head here, those who haven’t kept current certainly should try to catch up. Which would be hard, because The Flash is very fast. Oh man, I crack myself up. But seriously, catch up. It’s not actually hard. You’ll also find even more young Wally action here, and between Williamson, Abnett, Percy (Teen Titans) and Priest (Deathstroke), the character is really becoming something special. Finally, Dan Jurgens and Victor Bogdanovic’s Action Comics takes flight in this week’s installment. Yes, I went for another bad joke. Deal with it. Anyway, Dan Jurgens has been one of my favorite Superman creators basically since I started reading comics. Though not as recognized as some of his contemporaries, Jurgens has a firm grasp on Superman’s characterization and has a long history of crafting solid adventures for the prototypical hero. Perhaps his biggest contribution to the contemporary Superman has been The Oz Effect, concluding in this issue. Since it began, The Oz Effect has been an interesting ride but, in this issue, it finally goes beyond that and injects a ton of heart into the issue at hand. While I was a big fan of Revenge, I have to say that this is a serious contender for best single issue of Action since its return to original numbering. Overall, a strong week for the DC Universe.