The Flash #49 (DC Comics)

Runners Up: Scooby-Doo Team-Up #39 (DC Comics), Venom #3 (Marvel Comics)

Flash War comes to its climax this week and adds some new elements into the lore of the character, reminiscent of Geoff Johns’ work in Green Lantern. I’ll let you read the book to find out exactly what those elements are, but they have broad ramifications for the DCU. Because of this, Joshua Williamson and Howard Porter brought out the big guns for the this issue, and it was a genuine thrill to see Porter tackling the Justice League once again. Flash War could have easily been a mini-series involving all of the League, but I think Williamson and editorial made the right choice here. Keeping the focus on the two men bearing the mantle of The Flash, and only shifting it when appropriate, gives the book a nice edge in a market that seems to love big event mini-series. It is not only an affirmation that big things can happen in the regular titles, but an enthralling tale for Williamson to build a legacy around.

Since Rebirth, many of us have been waiting for a brand new Justice Society title. Though it has been teased a few times in other books, it has yet to happen.

But this week, that’s okay.

Sholly Fisch and Dario Brizuela bring us another entry of Scooby-Doo Team-Up, this time pairing the gang with the World War II incarnation of the JSA. Yes, there is an explanation of why they’ve gone back in time and yes, you’ll like it. But of course you will. For nearly five years (the book previously shipped bi-monthly), Fisch and Brizuela have delievered one of the most consistently entertaining books in the business. Even Grant Morrison loves Fisch’s style. Here, they craft a tale more reminiscent of the original JSA adventures and it works incredibly well. Though the book does have call backs to earlier issues, all of these are one-and-done stories that require just basic character knowledge before jumping in. I would recommend this series to nearly any comic or cartoon fan. This one also features a cool Calendar Man riddle in the back for readers to solve along with The Dynamic Duo, crafted by Sholly Fisch and Lori Jackson.

Last this week is Venom, which continues to dig into the past of The Symbiotes. This time it does so with an enjoyable appearance from Miles Morales. Donny Cates and Ryan Stegman keep the action moving in this issue that is sure to please fans of the character both new and longstanding. Cates is deservedly becoming Marvel’s go-to writer for books that both tell intriguing stories and keep the mood a bit light. Cates and Stegman are helping audiences remember why Venom was fun in the first place.