The Flash #51 (DC Comics)

Runners Up: Teen Titans #20 (DC Comics), Mera – Queen of Atlantis #6 (DC Comics)

There is one word that describes this week’s picks: Synergy. At an ever increasing level since Rebirth, DC Comics has successfully woven new and inventive stories about their most beloved characters, while editorial has managed to keep it all pretty well sorted out. Not every book being published by the Original Universe has been a five-star affair, but when reading a large portion of the line, you see a commitment to making sure the pieces fit. This has not gotten in the way of character innovation either, which has to be the biggest concern with such a curated universal narrative. It is a reward for the weekly comic book reader, and something that will certainly intrigue those waiting for collected editions.

This week’s issue of The Flash puts a nice button on the Flash War arc which ran in recent issues. Joshua Williamson continues to show his admiration for Wally West, something bolstered by the familiar art of Scott Kolins. Wally’s story is intimately tied to the constant shifts in reality of the DCU, and utilizing one of the character’s most legendary artists adds to the reflective tone of the issue. Longtime fan’s of Iris will also be pleased with some of the acknowledgements here. Be sure to check this one out (and honestly all of Flash War) if you’ll be reading the upcoming Heroes in Crisis.

I was a little worried when I read the recent Teen Titans Special, as it seemed that the new creative team might have taken things with Damian a touch too far.

Boy, was I wrong.

Teen Titans fits perfectly into the current state of the DCU and returns Damian to the state that made the controversial character a fan favorite. Adam Glass’ fast paced script is perfectly complimented by Bernard Chang’s kinetic art, something important when dealing with characters like Robin and Kid Flash. Speaking of Kid Flash, if you’ve already taken my advice and have been reading The Flash, you’ll love the feeling that Wallace has run out of those pages and into the opening panels of Teen Titans. So far, I’m digging the new additions to the team and hope that they live up to The New Teen Titans of the past.

Finally, Mera: Queen of Atlantis furthers the inter-connectivity of DC Comics by providing a tale that fits perfectly into Dan Abnett’s Aquaman timeline. In fact, I wouldn’t doubt if her storyline was originally meant to run in the main title. Luckily, Lan Medina and Norm Rapmund got to take a swing at it. Mera has provided one of the most fun rides in recent memory and will provide a nice collected edition for her new fans that will surely develop after the Aquaman film is released later this year.